


Marketing AssistantBrightview Senior Living Hospitality

Major: GVPT

Minor: General Business

Class Year: 2022





What was a typical week like in your internship position?

A typical week in my job position includes checking in on residents, running activities and taking photos of residents. Marketing activities and events to residents was crucial to ensure the community stayed vibrant and safe during a pandemic. Tasks ranged from creating Tik-Toks with residents, to checking in and having conversations to make sure they were staying positive during quarantine.



What do you enjoy most about your current position?

Seniors are a special population. Building lasting relationships with the elderly residents was the best part of the position. Working at in a positive, and fun environment where you are challenged with something new every day made the job enjoyable.



How did your coursework help you in your internship?

My General Business minor coursework in people management and marketing helped me in this job position. Understanding how to work in a team and with different types of people was crucial to succeed in this position. Marketing, BMGT350M taught me the best way to reach and build relationships with customers/ audiences, which helped me build relationships at work. Knowing how to market activities and events to residents and families was a part of my daily tasks.



How did you locate your internship position?

I recommend looking for internships and jobs on websites like LinkedIn or Indeed, and applying to as many as you can. Keeping track of what you applied to (in an Excel sheet), and their responses is also super helpful. To make the most of your internship, I recommend building as many relationships as you can, and keeping in touch. Building your network on LinkedIn is also super helpful to lead you to your next potential opportunity.



Advice for students:

Any internship or job will bring you new challenges, and help you develop new skills. Enjoying what you do is most important, and a positive work environment will show you how fun a job can be.