Project Management Intern, Imax Prosperity
Major: ECON & GVPT
Concentration: International Relations
Class Year: 2023
What was a typical week like in your internship position?
As a project management intern, I was responsible for researching new initiatives, meeting with teams at partnering nonprofit organizations, and sending out weekly newsletters. I also had to perform administrative duties like creating spreadsheets and presentations for our monthly initiatives, along with running our social media platforms to advertise these initiatives.
What do you enjoy most about your current position?
I liked that it was a grassroots organization. I could actually interact with the community and people affected by certain issues, as well as network with other leaders in the nonprofit industry.
How did your coursework help you in your internship?
During my freshman year, I was enrolled in a philanthropy living and learning program for the Carrillon Communities. I learned valuable lessons about social enterprise and design thinking which allowed me to contribute to the organization’s success. For instance, I learned how to conduct empathy interviews for a social action project, which I hadn’t done before when researching new initiatives.
How did you locate your internship position?
I found my internship from reaching out to my high school counselor, who eventually became my supervisor at the organization.
Advice for students:
Networking is the best way to gain opportunities! I gained my internship after a long conversation with my high school counselor, who happened to be starting a grassroots nonprofit organization and she offered me a position.
I would encourage anyone to take up an internship or experience in something that they thought they would never be interested in. I never thought I would be interested in working for a nonprofit, but now I am enrolled in nonprofit courses and plan on working for more nonprofit organizations in the future.