James Comotto, Legislative Assistant, Baltimore County Councilman David Marks

Major: GVPT

Class Year: 2023





What was a typical week like in your internship position?

I get a lot of phone calls from constituents trying to get help with something. I do a lot of the writing for the 5th district monthly newspaper and help to share what Councilman David Marks does around the county. My main purpose is to help the councilman do things more regulatory while he works on actual projects in work sessions.



What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I love the ability to work so closely with our local government. I love to see how these things work and wanting to go into government in the future myself, it is a good wake up call to see how my future may look in the form of government.



How did your coursework help you in your internship?

My government classes prepared me with an in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of our government. With certain classes, you can see the way the government runs and try and work around the misgivings that our government system has.



How did you locate your internship position?

I called his office phone number and asked for a job. Luckily he said yes.



Advice for students:

Try and work with the opportunities you have around you. You have your whole life to move up in the world, so try and work with what you have now while you are still in school.