What was a typical week like in your internship position?
During my internship, my week was very varied. I would assist the marketing team in conducting background checks on potential collaborators, collect data on marketing campaigns, route facts through Basecamp to the Substantiation Team to ensure factual accuracy prior to including facts in campaigns, and any other tasks the marketing team wanted me to help with.
What do you enjoy most about your current position?
At Truth, I felt like I was doing work that truly mattered. The marketing team didn't give me mundane, busy-work tasks, but gave me tasks that made me feel like I was truly making an impact in forwarding the mission of this nonprofit.
How did your coursework help you in your internship?
My sociology classes have helped me understand how groups in society act in the manners that they do, and thus this has directly lent itself to not only this internship but all of my previous marketing positions, since marketing is all about understanding people in society and knowing your audience in order to properly market to them.
How did you locate your internship position?
Last summer, I found this position on careers.google.com and decided to apply!
Advice for students:
Be proactive! Let your internship supervisor know what kind of projects you're interested in working on and make it known during meetings if there is a task that's being discussed that you would love to be part of. This is a perfect way to not only tailor your internship to your own interests, but to also show the company/organization that you are eager to be involved and be an active member on the team.
Truth Initiative is an amazing organization with a vibrant and fun work culture. My supervisor was incredible and highly contributed to my growth as a marketer. I would recommend this organization to anyone who is interested in the nonprofit sector or is just interested in working at a laid-back, important organization.