Academic Integrity

The University of Maryland has developed certain regulations and requirements to enhance the educational environment of the campus. In short, students may not cheat on exams, plagiarize papers, "buy" papers, submit fraudulent documents, or forge signatures. Students are expected to report acts of academic dishonesty to the Student Honor Council and to inform academic advisors of any irregularities in your academic record (such as transfer credit duplications, duplication of course work, grading errors, and so forth). See "Academic Integrity, Resolution on," and the "Student Conduct Codes" in the Undergraduate Catalog for further information.

  Did you know that you're cheating if you:

  • Submit a paper for credit more than once without receiving permission from the instructor.
  • Communicate someone else's ideas as if they are your own (i.e. plagiarize), which includes paraphrasing another's written work without citing the source
  • Use another's answers on a homework assignment.
  • Fabricate data on a lab report.
  • Collaborate on an assignment which should be done individually.
  • Pass along or receive exam information from one section to another.

Academic Integrity Seminar

Participants will examine the social and ethical issues associated with academic dishonesty. The remainder of the seminar will be devoted to addressing the question: How is a good life defined, and what is my plan to achieve it? For more information on this seminar visit the Office of Student Conduct's website.

Honor Pledge

The university has a nationally recognized Honor Pledge, administered by the Student Honor Council. The Student Honor Council proposed and the university Senate approved an Honor Pledge. The University of Maryland Honor Pledge reads:

"I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination."

This pledge was designed to promote academic integrity within the student body and emphasize importance of the university academic policies. It is included on all assignments worth twenty percent or more of the course grade. It is by no means an indication that the university does not trust its students. Rather, it is an attempt to invoke a sense of student pride in the university's high academic standards. The writing and signing of the Student Honor Pledge is not mandatory and the refusal to do so does not insinuate that students lack integrity. However, the failure to handwrite and sign the pledge will result in a conference with your professor and an explanation as to why you chose not to complete the task. And finally, whether or not you choose to sign, you are still liable for fulfilling all student responsibilities enumerated in the Code of Academic Integrity. 

Classroom Disruption

Disrupting class is a disciplinary offense which will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. The term "classroom disruption" means behavior a reasonable person would view as interfering with the conduct of a class. Examples include making distracting noises, persistent speaking without being recognized, repeated interruption, or resorting to physical threats or personal insults. Such behavior can result in being removed by campus police. The incident will also be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for disciplinary action. 

Undergraduate Student Legal Aid Office

The Undergraduate Student Legal Aid Office provides free assistance to currently enrolled University of Maryland undergraduate students. Funded by the Student Government Association, the Legal Aid Office has been helping University of Maryland students since 1976 with their legal questions.

The office handles all types of legal inquiries and assists students in a wide variety of legal situations. Legal services are categorized into two types -- students seeking general legal assistance and students with questions regarding University charges. For more detailed information visit the Student Legal Aid Office website.