If an undergraduate student wishes to enroll in a graduate level course, they should speak to the faculty member teaching the course and then to their academic advisor. BSOS students who have questions about taking a graduate course or who are seeking the BSOS College Dean's approval may contact Emily Sessa in the the BSOS College at esessa2@umd.edu or 301-405-1697

One of the following forms should be completed by undergraduate students seeking to register for graduate coursework. Ask your advisor if you are not sure which one.
When completing the form, read the directions carefully and complete all applicable sections of the form before submitting. Be sure to note the proper procedure for each form. Please click on the title to view the form.

Permission to Take a Graduate Course for Undergraduate Credit
This form is used when a BSOS student (primary major) wants to take a graduate level course. The course may be for their honors program, or a minor or just for interest.  The student expects the credits to count toward their overall cumulative credits and cumulative GPA. This form requires instructor, department and dean's approvals. 

Combined Bachelor's/ Master's Degrees (for Undergraduates)
This form can be used for undergraduate students who are in combined programs or "plus one" programs and the courses will count toward their overall cumulative credits and cumulative GPA. Some students will get this form from the graduate school or their website. This form requires depart (program) and dean's approval. 

Graduate Credit Permission Form (for Undergraduates)
This form is used in the less common situation where an undergraduate student does NOT want the course to count toward their undergraduate degree and therefore is recorded as for "graduate credit only". Students may get this form from the graduate school or their website. This course requires dean and department approval.