Looking for an academic advising form? Be sure to note and follow the steps described on the form. Feel free to be in touch with your advisor if you have questions.

Academic Audit

An official academic audit is a way to provide important information to students about their academic progress. An official audit entails a review of degree requirements by the department and by the college and is noted in the student's academic advising record.

  • Credits earned at the University of Maryland
  • Transfer credits if applicable (including AP, IB, 2-year and 4-year transfer credits)
  • Major requirements completed and remaining
  • General Education requirements completed and remaining
  • Repeated coursework
  • Grade requirements for each course
  • 15 of final 30 credits taken at the 300-400 level
  • Final 30 credits taken at UMD (unless Feller Center - Advising grants exception)
  • Non-applicable transfer courses re-evaluated
  • Pass/fail coursework (12 credits allowed)
  • Credit duplications
  • Internship credits

Academic Audits ensure the student, department and the college are all working with the same information to assist in planning for graduation.

Academic Advisors review all BSOS students with 75 - 89 credits and complete an official academic audit. Audits occur in the Fall, Spring, and Summer. Look out for an audit email from your Department and College Advisors. 

Students planning to study abroad for a full semester or a full year program, are also required to have an academic audit completed. All BSOS students who commit to their abroad program by the study abroad deadline will receive an email with the Department and College Advisors official audit review. If a student goes abroad and commits after the deadline, Department and College Advisors will conduct an audit when signing off on the Study Abroad Course Approval (SACA) form.

Check your email! Your remaining degree requirements along with any additional advising notes will be emailed to you. We will also post your Academic Audit notes on your TerpEngage portal. You are expected to monitor your own progress on your uAchieve degree audit. Follow up with an Academic Advisor if you have any questions regarding your Academic Audit! 

The audit process does not guarantee that you will graduate. You must complete all required courses and meet all university requirements in order to earn your degree. It is your responsibility to review your registration each semester to ensure that your outstanding requirements for graduation will be met.

Please remember these important policies as you progress toward completing your degree:

  • If you repeat a course where you earned a D- or higher, you do not earn additional credit.
  • If you earned a previous degree, it needs to be verified and it may affect your General Education requirements.
  • No student may graduate with fewer than 120 credits, even if all requirements have been completed.
  • 15 of your final 30 credits must be at the upper level.
  • Your final 30 credits must be completed at UMD.
  • You must earn the minimum grades required in remaining course work.
  • You must earn a 2.0 GPA in all courses used to satisfy your major requirements.
  • You may wish to have your audit reviewed with an Academic Advisor before registering for your final semester.
  • You must apply for your diploma by the 10th day of the semester in which you plan to graduate.
  • You must have a 2.0 GPA or higher in order to be eligible to graduate.

If students do not meet their benchmarks, they may appeal. This form must be submitted within 2 weeks of notification of the dismissal from the major.

Current LEP students may submit an appeal form for an exception to the gateway requirements, 2.0 GPA policy or the repeat policy. This form must be submitted to the Undergraduate Director of the LEP department.

Students wishing to gain admission to the major may submit an appeal form for an exception to: the repeat policy, repeat application policy, or to return to the major. This form and supporting documents must be submitted to the Feller Center -  Advising via email to: bsoslepappeal@umd.edu

Dean's Certification Letters

A dean’s certification is a letter or form required by a small number of law schools or other academic institutions to be completed by the applicant’s undergraduate college or university. Giselle Denbow, Undergraduate Education Coordinator, is responsible for dean’s letters in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Complete your portion of the form, if applicable. Send form electronically or in person to: Giselle Denbow

College of Behavioral and Social Sciences

2103 Tydings Hall

College Park, MD 20742

Email: gdenbow@umd.edu

Certification will be submitted to the institution per given instruction.

A copy will be placed in the student's file.


Please complete this form and schedule an appointment with an academic advisor in the Feller Center Advising and Career Planning office to discuss your request. Please have supporting documentation ready to present to support your request.  Exception to Policy requests cannot be handled during a drop-in session, you must schedule an appointment. Please follow this link.

Undergraduate Registering for a Graduate Course

If an undergraduate student wishes to enroll in a graduate level course, they should speak to the faculty member teaching the course and then to their academic advisor. BSOS students who have questions about taking a graduate course or who are seeking the BSOS College Dean's approval may contact Emily Sessa in the the BSOS College at esessa2@umd.edu or schedule an appointment here. 

One of the following forms should be completed by undergraduate students seeking to register for graduate coursework. Ask your advisor if you are not sure which one.

This form is used when a BSOS student (primary major) wants to take a graduate level course. The course may be for their honors program, or a minor or just for interest.  The student expects the credits to count toward their overall cumulative credits and cumulative GPA. This form requires instructor, department and dean's approvals.

This form can be used for undergraduate students who are in combined programs or "plus one" programs and the courses will count toward their overall cumulative credits and cumulative GPA. Some students will get this form from the graduate school or their website. This form requires depart (program) and dean's approval.

This form is used in the less common situation where an undergraduate student does NOT want the course to count toward their undergraduate degree and therefore is recorded as for "graduate credit only". Students may get this form from the graduate school or their website. This course requires dean and department approval.

Additional Policies: