Sarah Epstein
Practice Intern, Enrichment Wellness
Major: PSYC
Class Year: 2023
What was a typical week like in your internship position?
I typically am on call for any of the therapists' needs throughout the day as well as my supervisor. If there are any projects or verification/ billing issues with clients, I try to respond and solve the issue within two hours. Mondays are the busiest day and then the office slows down throughout the week.
What do you enjoy most about your current position?
I enjoy being involved in a therapy practice as I would like to open my own one day. Learning about all of the behind-the-scenes work such as billing, reaching out to potential clients, scheduling etc. is something that I have wanted to learn more about. It is very interesting to sit in on peer supervision and listen to several cases that the therapists are handling, and how they work with the client.
How did your coursework help you in your internship?
My coursework in my counseling psychology classes have helped me build more understanding of what the therapists discuss in our peer supervision meetings. Topics such as ethical dilemmas, countertransference/ transference, and cultural competency have been discussed in meetings and I can actively participate because of the knowledge I have gained through my courses.
How did you locate your internship position?
I found my internship through my previous internship as my supervisor contacted her colleague who was in need of an intern.
Advice for students:
Look for an internship based on what you want to know more about rather than what would look good on your resume. You gain much more from building connections and having a personal connection to the assignments you work on.
Get to know the people you work with in your internship as it can help make more connections in the future!