Kennedy Sarvis Headshot



HR Intern, So Others Might Eat (S.O.M.E)

Major: PSYC & CCJS

Class Year: 2023

LinkedIn Profile




What was a typical week like in your internship position?

My typical week at my internship changes from week to week. I don't have a daily task that I repeat wherever I'm on call, other than being readily available in Outlook and Teams. Instead, I have a group of people I meet with that assign me various projects to complete throughout the week or farther in the future. I have a main supervisor that I report to, but I am an intern for the entire HR Dept. As a result, I get t experience all aspects, including Recruitment, Talent Acquisition, Employee Wellness, etc.



What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I enjoy the versatility of this position. Since I have access to the entire HR Department, I have a plethora of professionals that I can meet with to garner experience and get advice about the HR world. I also appreciate the actual HR members. This group of individuals I've been working with the past couple of months are incredibly kind and always willing to help me get the most out of this internship experience.



How did your coursework help you in your internship?

My Survey of Industrial and Organizational Psychology class helped prepare me for this position. In this class, I learned how to create job descriptions from employee interviews, how to conduct various performance evaluations, etc. My psych and criminology research classes also helped me in this position. These classes taught me how to use databases and specified search terms to better find information.



How did you locate your internship position?

I located this information by searching for an HR internship on Indeed. I also volunteered for SOME in the past, so I knew the organization's values.



Advice for students:

I would research the company's values/activities to see if they align with your own values. Having similar values with the company is a good sign that you would meld well with the company culture and be able to explore your passions, rather than just working a 9-5 to clock in and clock out.



Anything else you want to share with students about your experience?

It’s good to put yourself out there! Thinking that you're not qualified enough for a position shouldn't stop you from trying. We get in our own heads sometimes and prevent ourselves from having the opportunities that we deserve. Forget the imposter syndrome and just apply, the worst they can say is no.