Sarah Epstein Headshot


Marketing Coordinator, East Coast Technology

Major: Psychology

Minor: Business

Class Year: 2023




What was a typical week like in your position?

A typical week in my internship is very flexible. I chose my hours that I work on certain projects but it can typically go from 5-10 hours a week. 



What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I enjoy using my creative skills and working with a team to better the company overall.



How did your coursework help you in your position?

My coursework has allowed me to learn more time management and organizational skills in order for me to stay on top of my work. I learned many skills through my business minor about marketing and I learned how to better my relationships with my co workers through some of my psychology courses.



How did you locate your position?

I located this internship through my family since my older brother worked for the company before.



Advice for students:

Some advice that I would give to students looking for an internship is utilize any on campus resources and advisors for help when searching. Also, networking through your peers or family can lead you to great companies that may interest you. Spend time getting to know your co workers and building a relationship with your team.



Anything else you want to share with students about your experience?

Find something that will interest any future careers. Spend time applying for internships that interest you rather than applying for internships that may look good to others.