Yewande Sogbesan

InternCouncilmember Kenyatta Johnson Office

Major: Government and Politics

Minor: Spanish

Class Year: 2023




What was a typical week like in your internship position?

Throughout this internship I was working at the office through a virtual setting. I really enjoyed the dynamic of those working at the office as they were very inclusive and accepting of me as a student during my transition from Temple University to University of Maryland. Throughout this internship a typical week would include me shadowing a weekly debriefing of the upcoming tasks for the week including academic events for the community, analyzing population needs and stats from Philadelphia districts, as well as community service and outreach projects.



What do you enjoy most about your current position?

I really enjoyed learning how to communicate and learn from professionals in a career path that I have been interested in throughout my collegiate career. It was very interesting being able to work in an environment that operated in the interest of the community that they were serving and seeing the operations that led to events and forums being held.



How did your coursework help you in your internship?

My Government & Politics classes as well as the International Relations courses helped me to understand the language used in the workplace as well as how global/local political affairs operate on an internal level. It was much easier to comprehend how the Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson’s office was going about specific legislation and social issues such as Black Lives Matter movement and educational inequities.



How did you locate your internship position?

I was able to locate my internship through a career portal at my previous university. Temple University has a partnership with several companies, organizations, industries, and other corporations that are looking for student workers/interns throughout the United States, specifically in the United States area.



Advice for students:

In terms of researching and accepting internships my biggest piece of advice is to continue to keep an open mind and all experience is good experience! It is never good to restrict yourself to a specific area of study if you’re uncertain or even if you know your future career–it is always best to experience areas of all types.