UMD Bioscience building columns

Sometimes a BSOS undergraduate researcher encounters a small funding gap preventing the completion of a specific research project/thesis or covering expenses for travel/registration to present at a professional research conference.

On a case-by-case basis, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences Dean’s Office will consider requests for one-time financial assistance up to $500 from BSOS undergraduate students who:

·      demonstrate financial need**

·      applied for research funding elsewhere but still have a funding gap

·      need additional funds (maximum of $500) to complete a research project or to present at a professional research conference

·      have already secured matching support from an academic department or academic program


Applications are considered on a rolling basis. It may take up to 30 days to receive a reply.  Interested BSOS students should discuss with their research mentor first and then write to the BSOS Undergraduate Dean at with the following:


·      Name

·      UID

·      Email

·      Cell #

·      Project Title

·      Research Mentor’s Name

·      Research Mentor’s Email

·      Brief (one page) description of the project or conference:

·      Itemized budget of proposed expenses and existing sources of funding, including personal resources

·      Email or letter of support from research mentor

·      Email confirming matching funds from department or program


Recipients will be asked to submit a brief summary report  and some photos at the conclusion of the project or conference.


*The BSOS Undergraduate Research Fund is supported by the generous donations of friends, alumni, parents, faculty, and students.


**Please ensure that you have a FAFSA on file with the Office of Student Financial Aid for the current academic year. Students are encouraged to file a FAFSA each year if they are US Citizens or Permanent Residents. If you are ineligible to file a FAFSA, please note that in your application. Student does not necessarily have to be awarded financial aid from University of Maryland in order to qualify for BSOS Undergraduate Research Funds.