Employers review resumes very quickly, on average 6 seconds, so make sure the skills/qualities they are seeking are easy to locate! That means no two resumes will look alike. That being said, if you hate fighting with bullet alignment, use this BSOS Example Resume Template to start your draft.


  • Anthropology - Uses a different format and highlights a research experience. 
  • Criminology - Highlights related work experience and skills in law enforcement. 
  • Economics - Displays coursework, honors and related experiences. 
  • Geography - Displays a study abroad and technical skills related to GIS.
  • Government & Politics - Uses customized headers to highlight industry specific examples.
  • HESP - An example of on-campus involvement and part-time jobs. 
  • International Relations  - Displays international experiences and UMD coursework projects.
  • Neuroscience, Behavioral and Cognitive - Displays lab and health related experiences. 
  • Psychology - Highlights lab experience, counseling experience and activities. 
  • Social Data Science - Example includes technical skills and projects completed in-class. 
  • Sociology - Example includes a research project, related experience, community service and professional skills. 

Other Examples 

Federal Resume- Review the tips below if you will be applying to federal positions through USAJobs.

Create a Skill-Based Resume 

Only 2% of candidates who applied for a job are invited to an interview. Were the remaining 98% unqualified for the job? That simply can't be true. These candidates probably failed to demonstrate that they've got the skills required by the employer.

On average, recruiters spend 6 seconds reviewing a resume. They are scanning for relevant skills. If you determine which skills employers want, match your resume to showcase those skills, you'll greatly increase your chances of landing an interview. 

Applying to a posted position online? Use the tips below to ensure your resume passes the initial screening. 

Types of Digital Resumes

There are many ways for BSOS students to share their unique experiences. If you are creative or will be applying to a creative industry (i.e. visual design) consider supplementing your resume with the tips linked below.