BSOS College Scholarships

The College offers several scholarships to current students, and each scholarship has individual eligibility criteria. Scholarship awards are granted one time for the Fall semester. 

Scholarships- List by NSO

A list of scholarships available to students of all identities, organized by major.

Scholarship & Fellowship Options

Options for students based on social identity, academic interest, etc. 


Professional Development Funding:

BSOS Undergraduate Experience Funds. If you are a BSOS student with financial need that is preventing you from taking advantage of an experiential learning opportunity, apply for BSOS Undergraduate Experience Funds. *Note that BSOS accepts applications for these funds on a biannual basis. During the Fall semester for Winter & Spring learning experiences, and during the Spring semester for Summer & Fall experiences.

Suit Yourself Professional Clothing Award. The Suit Yourself Award supports BSOS students who need financial assistance in order to purchase professional clothing for an upcoming internship, interview, professional networking event, or professional conference. This is a $200 award to current BSOS undergraduate students. Note: Prior "Suit Yourself" awardees are not eligible for a stipend, and only current undergraduate BSOS students are eligible. Rolling submissions accepted. 

Sustainability Internship Scholarship. Do you have a Fall 2024 unpaid internship related to sustainability? Does your internship organization align with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals? If you answered yes to either of the above questions, and you are an undergraduate student, you may be eligible.  Scholarship awards ranging from $500-$1,500 are available to help offset expenses incurred during a summer unpaid internship with a nonprofit or government agency. Application Opens: October 1, 2024 |  Application Closes: October 31, 2024

Financial Support for Unpaid Internships. Review UMD-Based options as well as additional Internship Scholarships, Stipends & Need Base options. 

  • Unpaid Summer Internship funding. The Bright Futures Initiative awards students with need-based scholarships ranging from $100-$1,000 to help offset expenses incurred during unpaid summer internships for undergraduate students. 

Professional Attire: Affordable clothes in the College Park Area


Other Sources:

UMD’s Campus Pantry works to alleviate food insecurity in the campus community by providing emergency food to those in need. 

Terp to Terp Restore offers a place for all UMD students to get gently used small appliances, cooking items or room accessories for free. Location: Ground floor of Harford Hall. Make an appointment here:

The Student Crisis Fund provides emergency support to fellow Terps who need emergency shelter, transportation, clothing, and medical supplies. 

Student Success Emergency Scholarship (SSES) Fund is designed to help students who face extraordinary hardships to stay in school. The scholarship was created to assist students with unforeseen financial difficulties who cannot pay their past or current semester's tuition bill.

Essential Needs Support and Resources for UMD students | Essential needs, or basic needs, refers to the most essential resources required to be successful as a student at the University of Maryland, including food, housing, and financial stability. The Dean of Students team works to connect students experiencing essential needs challenges with relevant resources. To talk with a supportive staff member about your experience and receive one-on-one assistance or to learn more about available resources.


Financial support for BSOS students

BSOS offers a variety of scholarships to current BSOS students (rising sophomores and seniors). Awards range from $500-$3,500.