Service-learning combines community service with structured opportunities for learning. It offers students the opportunity to enrich their undergraduate learning experience through in-depth exposure to complex societal issues. Service locations are both local and far away. Opportunities can be as close as the ESOL Language Partner program on campus or the America Reads*America Counts program in Prince Group of students volunteering to pick up debris jumping up George’s County public schools. 

Leadership and Community Service-Learning Service Opportunities:

Maryland Mentor Corps volunteers mentor students In local Prince George's County elementary schools through the Maryland Reading Program, Maryland Math Program and Maryland Family Literacy Program.

Alternative Breaks Trip Information are substance-free, community service-learning trips during winter, spring and summer breaks. Participants travel both locally and internationally to engage in active service, learn about social issues, and build upon community assets. Many AB programs are led by BSOS staff and students. BSOS faculty members often serve as AB advisors. The AB Experience Leader role is a valuable and unique leadership, personal, civic, and professional development experience for undergraduate students.

Terps For Change is committed to connecting the university with the local community through sustained, collaborative, and meaningful community service-learning. By exploring the root causes through critical reflection and meaningful dialogue, we seek to better understand the systemic complexities of social issues and the action steps we can take to address them.

Living Learning and Academic Programs:

CIVICUSGlobal Communities and the College Park Scholars Justice and Legal Thought Program all include service-learning opportunities as part of their programs. Education Abroad and the Career Center offer guidance on additional service opportunities abroad.


Services 24/7, a community service opportunities database, includes information about local agencies with community service, volunteer, and internship opportunities. Services 24/7 is a great resource to develop stronger volunteerism around the campus and surrounding community. Log-in to TerpLink using your Directory ID and password to browse our list of local community partners and upcoming service opportunities....or CLICK HERE to view the Services 24/7 Database!