The University Career Center and the Feller Center host several career and internship fairs every fall and spring. Additionally, we share opportunities off campus as well. View a list of upcoming fairs.
Tips for Attending the Event
- Determine a goal for attending (e.g. explore a career field, gain tips for applying, etc.) and develop questions to ask.
- Prepare your resume and craft a concise self introduction.
- Dress to impress with these ideas and tips.
- Research the organizations attending ahead of time
- Check out these options to request individual help to prepare
Need Help Preparing?
BSOS Undergraduate Majors: Schedule an appointment with the BSOS Feller Center to review your resume, practice your 30- second pitch, etc. Questions? Contact the BSOS Feller Center at
BSOS Career Pop-In Hours | Wednesdays 3-4:30 pm, TYD 2118 | BSOS Undergraduate students: Need help with your resume, career fair prep, or internship search? Pop-in for quick coaching tips from the Feller Center's Career Planning team.
Sample Questions
Increase your confidence by preparing questions to ask ahead of time!
- What do you like most (least) about your work?
- What are the entry level positions called in the field?
- What do you think are the most important skills to have to be successful in this field?
- What made you choose this career field? What did you like about it?
- Can you describe a typical workday or week?
- What type of education and experience do you need to remain successful in this field?
- What are the future career opportunities in this field?
- What are the challenges in balancing work and personal life?
- What advice would you give to someone trying to break into this field?
Alumni usually have a UMD pin displayed on their name badge. Learn from their experiences by asking the questions below.
- Were there any classes or experiences you had at UMD that better prepared you for the field?
- Are there experiences you wish you had gained?
- Was your major directly related to your first position after graduation?
- When searching for your first position, what strategies did you find most helpful?
- Are there industry specific professional associations that you recommend joining?
- I see that x, y, and z skills are important for the XX internship position, can you tell me any additional skills you look for?
- What is a typical day like in the XX position?
- Is there a hiring timeline for the XX position?
- Is there a skill set that most applicants are missing?
- Are there certain school or previous job experiences that best qualify students for this internship program?
- How do you usually advertise XX position?
- What do you enjoy about working with this organization?
- Do be yourself and ask questions you have prepared ahead of time. Take 5-10 minutes per conversation.
- Don’t tell them your life story; you are dealing with busy people; get to the point and actually listen to what they say.
- Don’t pass up opportunities to network, this event is for anyone interested in meeting new people!
- Be prepared to introduce yourself with a 30-second elevator pitch: name, major, interests, past experiences.
- Thank the alumni/employers for attending. Remember, peoples' time is very precious and we are tremendously fortunate to have amazing alumni who volunteer to give back!
If you really enjoyed talking to an organization, and you want them to remember you, consider sending them a thank-you email to follow-up on your conversation. Include a thanks, highlight your skills, remind them of what position you discussed, and highlight the next step.
Example: I look forward to staying in touch with you and applying to this internship position next year.
- If you have an extensive conversation with an employer, consider inviting them to connect with you on LinkedIn or follow their organization on LinkedIn.
- Engage with the organizations of interest through social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, etc.).
- Visit the website of organizations you are interested in and register to receive position alerts for openings in your area of interest. Review the required skills for each position and develop a plan for obtaining those skills.
- Find your organization of interest in the Handshake Employer Directory and click the “favorite star”. All events or positions the employer posts will appear under “Notification”.