Tips to having a great orientation experience!

Orientation is an exciting time, but there is also a lot to accomplish.  Follow these tips to have a successful orientation.

Be Prepared!

Complete your BSOS College Pre-Orientation Course

  • You will receive an email invitation to register for the BSOS College Pre-Orientation Course. Make sure to complete all the steps well before the orientation day.

Submit your transcripts 

  • If you have taken courses at another institution that are not reflected on your UMD Transcript, or are currently taking courses at another institution, please send an official transcript to the university once you have completed the semester, in order for the credit to appear on your UMD Transcript. View the process for submitting official transcripts electronically or by mail here.

Submit your AP or IB test scores

  • If you have credit from AP or IB exams, please send your official scores to the university from the College Board or International Baccalaureate Results Service in order for the credit to appear on your UMD Transcript. View the process for submitting your prior learning credit test scores (including AP and IB) to UMD here.

Take the Math Placement Exam

Be Connected!

  • Get contact information from the college and department advisors that you meet with during orientation.
  • At orientation, register for UNIV 100 (for freshmen) or BSOS 361 (for transfers) to learn more about college life and adjustment to UMD.
  • Explore the BSOS College's website.
  • Follow us on FacebookTwitter, and see our blog.

Be Informed!

  • If you are in a living and learning program, such as College Park Scholars, the Honors College, Carillon Communities, make sure you know the courses that you should register for as a participant in the program before meeting with your academic advisor during orientation
  • Look at the schedule for your University Orientation.
  • Become familiar with Testudo and the Schedule of Classes.
  • Become familiar with the University of Maryland’s General Education requirements which must be completed by all students regardless of what their major is.

Be Flexible!

  • You will be registering for courses during your orientation. Advisors will work to make sure you have the best possible schedule, but you may not get the exact schedule that you want.

For Parents

  • Click here for some of the frequently asked questions from parents of new students.