Eligible BSOS undergraduate students are encouraged to apply for this $200 award to purchase professional clothing!

Closed. Funds have been exhausted for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

The Suit Yourself Award supports BSOS students who need financial assistance in order to purchase professional clothing for an upcoming internship, interview, professional networking event, or professional conference. This is a $200 award to current BSOS undergraduate students. Note: Prior "Suit Yourself" awardees are not eligible for a stipend. 

Questions? Contact the Feller Center at bsoscareers@umd.edu. Sponsored by the BSOS Feller Center for Advising & Career Planning. 

red line

This program will award $200 per selected student who demonstrates a financial need for assistance in purchasing professional clothing. The funds may be used by the students to personally select their professional clothing including tops, bottoms, blazers, suits, shoes, belts, socks. 

Eligible students must:

  • Be a current undergraduate student in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences or an ENSP, NEUR, or SDSC major track housed within the BSOS College during the 2024-2025 academic year.
  • Complete the application (all questions answered). 
  • Demonstrate a financial need. 
  • Have not received this funding award before. 
  • Demonstrate an immediate need for professional clothing (i.e. secured an internship, attire to attend the UMD Career Fair, clothing for a networking event, conference, etc.). 
  • Agree with the funding disbursement method below. 

This is a one-time award.

Professional attire examples and affordable clothing options, determine what is appropriate for your next professional opportunity.

The funding will be applied to your UMD account through Student Financial Services and Cashiering and will be paid in one lump sum as a refund. Award recipients must comply with the following rules and stipulations.

To be eligible to receive the award, your UMD account billing must be current. Any outstanding balance for the will be paid by the award.

These award funds may be deposited into your Student Financial Account or distributed by check sent to the permanent address on file with the university.  Please verify that your address on record is current by visiting https://www.testudo.umd.edu/.  If you are receiving other financial aid or scholarships, you should speak with a Financial Aid counselor to determine whether the funds from this scholarship will impact your Financial Aid package. The Office of Student Financial Aid can be reached at 301-314-9000. If you have received loans and/or financial aid up to the limit of the full cost of attendance at UMD, your funds will lower the loan amount and not be paid out as a refund. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid to speak to a representative about your specific account if you are not sure. 

All or a portion of your award may be included in your gross income to the extent that the aggregate amount you receive exceeds (a) tuition and fees required to enroll in, or to attend an educational institution, or (b) fee, books, supplies and equipment that are required for the courses of instruction. See IRS Notice 87-31. Therefore, you may be liable for federal income taxes on all or a portion of the award. If you are uncertain as to the federal tax treatment of your award, you should seek the advice of a tax professional. The Internal Revenue Service also provides guidance in their Publication 520, Scholarships and Fellowships. The publication can be obtained from the IRS website at www.irs.gov.

The Suit Yourself Award is supported by generous donors to the BSOS Feller Center for Academic Advising & Career Planning. View more funding/ scholarship opportunities.